Monday, September 29, 2008


Hi everyone,

Unfortunatly, I don't have any photos to upload! :( I am in Florence, Italy right now enjoying my trip. I won't be returning until October 14th! Today is kinda a cool day because I'll be in three different countries! Now I'm in Italy, then in Germany, and last Austria! YES! Anyway, do not loose heart, photos will be coming soon!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Camera!

Now, don't get too excited...I didn't get a new SLR - just a new point and shoot. It is actually my first digital point and shoot! Yikes! It almost feels like I'm going backwards except there's a reason for this purchase! I'm leaving for Europe a week from today, September 23rd! I decided that I didn't want to be lugging around my 20D and lenses to four different countries so I bought a little baby camera. As much as I would love to bring all my gear and take photos every second I have to be realistic...that's too much stuff! Plus I wouldn't want any of it to get stolen - sure I have insurance, but who wants to go through that?

This picture is taken with my new camera, it also shows my new haircut with new highlights! :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lincoln City 2008

Back in mid-August was Family Reunion time! This is when all the Schumachers get together and relax on the Oregon Coast for 4 days! Being the photographer of the family I'm basically there documenting everything! I really enjoy these reunions because all I do is relax, take photos, hang out with fam, eat great food, and drink great wine. This year was especially great weather and the Olympics were on! Couldn't ask for a better combination! Here's some photos!